Why are links important One of the myths that Google has been successfully disseminating among webmasters and SEO professionals in recent years is the myth of the higher relevance of page content over its link profile in the ranking formula. This misconception and its consequences have been described well by Brian Dean in one of his posts.
The truth is that backlinks are still of great importance. The more competitive a search query is, the greater the importance links have compared to other factors. There are 2 factors that gives us grounds to make such conclusions:
- constant feedback from the search engines, which we receive while promoting our projects;
- a thorough evaluation of several large studies on the impact of different page parameters on its ranking in the search results.
Studies on importance of backlinks
One of the largest studies on ranking factors made by Ahrefs confirms the thesis about the power of backlinks. Look closely at the charts below.

Compare the significance of the parameters in figure one and two. None of the content factors can equal the importance of the page backlinks.

Correlation does not mean causation. However, this independent study and our own experience suggest one thing – rapid growth of the project is impossible without investing in building a link profile.
Why do I need backlink checker
As it’s said above, the importance of backlinks was huge. But what are the main reasons why you need to check inbound links and tracking backlinks? The answer is quite simple. Not all the backlinks can bring you a positive result. If your links are left on the websites which have bad rankings, for example, low traffic, bad anchor list or even are under the search engine penalty, there is a big chance to get sanction for your own website. That’s why you need always manage your backlinks profile and delete all the unnecessary ones.
Firstly, always check anchors. To get a higher ranking, your anchor list should be well organized. This way you help search bots to scan your URLs correctly and point to the keywords which are relevant to the certain page. For example, if your landing page is about “business training” but the anchors are “SEO trends” or “buy shoes online”, search bots simply identify them as spam.