every single week i get new emails frompeople all over the world telling me hey hassanthank you your videos helped us in building an online business yourvideos made me make my first hundred dollarsonline and so on believe me these emails makes me so happy as my videos and mycontent is helping a lot of people all over the world i hope that you'll bethe next one sending me an email telling me aboutyour success story after you watch this videotoday in this video i will show you step by step how you can reachat least at least 200 to 500 per month working from hometwo to three hours a day even from your mobile phone sorry from your mobilephone this is for my daughter sarah anyway what's nice about this video alsoit's totally free you can start for free without any investmentand you don't need a website so this fits maybe everyone on thisplanet stay tunedwhat is covered in this video obviously number one is the step-by-stepguide number two is how to get paid and make more money and turn this into afull online business working from home it's like a fullcourse compressed in this couple of minutesso please don't miss any single seconds i will share with you a lot of tipstricks that will help you be successful and will help you to send me an email ina couple of weeks telling me about your successstory so what is the strategy for today simply it's about getting a linka url then promoting this url and whenever someone signsup through your link you'll earn between 65 and 100dollars do you believe this per sign up so so please don't tell meyou can't get two or three sign ups per month if you are working two or threehours a day following the strategy i will show you now step bystep you don't have any excuse just watch the video a coupleof minutes start applying start working and youwill see the results this video is not for lazy people i'mnot here to share with you some scammy information like 80 percent of other youtubevideos you know here on my channel i share onlythings that i tested i experienced real workreal online business that would help you make real money and buildreal business online so step number one is to get the link that wewant to promote i will open my web browser and go to awebsite called bluehost.com maybemaybe if you are following me on my channeli talked about this website before bluehost and maybe you already knowabout it it's it's one of the top web hostingservices online if you go here down you will seesomething called affiliates or here on the top menu we have theaffiliates section so you can sign up to be anaffiliate for this company what is an affiliateit's simply someone who promotes this service andyou will earn a commission per sign up you can see here you'll earn65 dollars for each qualified sign up what you will do now before youclick on sign up you will go here and open a new taband go to medium.com what is medium.com it'ssimply a website that allows you to createa blog inside it so as i told you you don't need a website you will go tomedium.com and simply just sign up through yourgmail account i don't want to waste time now by far bysigning up and so on it's super simple just sign upand then after you sign up if you click here on your accountyou will see you will have this domain this website this blogis for you built on medium in my case it's h-educate.medium.com and they havesome articles on this website so this is your website your free website youdon't need to think about any other stuff like hostingwebsite and so on this is your blog it's an empty blog foryou now don't worry just copy thisurl copy it go here back and click on sign upsuper simple you just need to fill your information account usernamepassword whatever and here in the prime url just pastethe medium blog super simple it will ask you for your urlpaste the medium blog url super easy now in the payment information you needa paypal email address to get paid don't worry if you don't have paypaljust stick with me i will share with you how you can getpaid what are the alternatives just focus now and forget about how toget paid focus on earning money from this serviceafter you fill the information simply accept terms and signup now i will log into my account because i'm already a partnerso i will say bluehost hosting partner and hereis my account you see this month i have around 200 dolarsso you can see i have here 692 clicks with two sign ups by the waythis these numbers means a lot and you have to focus very well with me becausei will share with you the importance of such numbers why ihave to sign ups out of 600 what you have to expectand so on so please follow up and focus very well with me i have a lot ofimportant tips i want to share with you in thismini course so you signed up as i told you we need to getthe link simply go here to links and you will seewe have this link which which will be your linkso you can use it to promote so just copy this link copy link address i willopen now notepad i would paste the link so thissays the first step we got the link i chosebluehost because simply you know you don't need verification anyone canapply it's a great option for beginnersanyone will be accepted so you can get the linkdirectly without any difficult validations like other affiliateprograms who requires traffic specific websites content andmuch more anyone can sign up so go now and sign upto bluehost and get the affiliate link we finishedstep one super easy step number two is to promotethe affiliate link and this is the most important workand this is what you are going to do every single day for twothree hours a day so your work will be in promotingthis link and getting clicks and sign ups this is your main workevery single day so let's put the eyeglassesbecause here is the important work so we got the link how to promote ithow to get the traffic that was a small node before we continuehere on my channel i talked a lot about getting traffic and promoting affiliatelinks for free and with paid ads and much moreyou can check my full videos in the affiliate marketingcase studies playlist and affiliate marketing tutorialsplaylist you can go and check it but for this videoi want to share with you a specific strategy that if you followup for the next couple of weeks like two or three weeksyou will get traffic you will get sign ups so i will share with you only onestrategy to focus on what you are going to do isbeside medium you have to go to quora.complease some patience and stick with me here in quora what you are going to dois first thing is to create a space by the way if you don't know quora it'sa q and a website where people can ask and answerquestions and get traffic we can see here you canadd a question share a link and create a space forgetabout these two click on create a space and simply enteryour space name and description you can create a spaceabout digital marketing about web hosting about anything thatyou can add content related to bluehost onlike affiliate marketing digital marketing web hostingmaybe web services anything related to bluehost where we can add contentrelated to bluehost so in my case i have a space you can seemake money online here i created this space a couple of months agoand today i have around 8 000 followers in this spacewhat is a quota space it is simply a place it's like a blog it's like agroup where you can publish your own contenton and what's nice about cora spaces that if you were consistent quora willautomatically promote your post and this is very important and what'salso more important you can add links inside your post you can see i am addingsome short links to track my clicks and you can see herei have a lot of posts that my team post inside this spaceso you have to create a code space a medium blog and here we are this isthe second step or the first part of the second step socreate a coder space a medium blog and now we are readyto start promoting but before we start promoting a smallrequest please if you like my videos if you like to watchmore videos about digital marketing online business make money onlineand much more please do me a favor hit the like buttonand subscribe to my channel to get every new updatealmost every single day so let's start promoting we have the quoraspace we have your quora account and you havethe medium blog what you are going to do now simplyis to create between five and ten mini articles related to bluehost andplease focus very well here it's not any article it's not likebluehost review because a lot of you unfortunately go and write thesetraditional articles that will not get traffic will not getlinks a bluehost review the best web hosting service and addlinks inside it no i want to share with you some realstrategies something that works so just pleasefocus very well and use your brain you have a superpowerinside your head just use it so what to write about howto get awesome content ideas to write aboutthat is related to bluehost simply you can go now to my descriptionand watch my video about 10 tipsand 10 strategies to get the best content ideas to write aboutbut i will share with you some now now in the videolike how to build an affiliate marketing website with a blue host atutorial a problem you are fixing number twobluehost versus vps hosting something that people want to learnabout and see if bluehost will be better than vps hosting or othercompanies so a comparison article number three how to set upwordpress on bluehost a tutorial a specific tutorial number fourhow to set up a forum how to create a forumon bluehost number five how to build a store an online store on bluehostall these are how to tutorials that have a lot ofsearches online that people like to read and watchand learn how to use so they can maybe follow up with you andsign up to bluehost through your tutorialplease think about it focus very well when youwrite a tutorial when you create a tutorial people will start following youstep by step and in step one which is gettinghosting they need to sign up to bluehost andthey will use their link so you have to search and think about5 to 10 ideas and write a small articles about it and publish on mediumnow on medium what's nice you can add affiliate links there is no problemand what's nice about medium it allows affiliate linksbut but but don't overuse it add only one or two linksinside your articles after you add your articles on mediumyou may get traffic organically from medium because it has a lot of views ifyou go here to medium statistics you will see it gets 234million visits per month and a lot of it fromthe us so maybe you can get free trafficdirectly from medium but we want to make things faster so youwant to drive more traffic to medium what you aregoing to do is to go to quora here and answer questions related to yourarticles and mention them inside the questions anexample if you write here an article about let'ssay this one for me best teaches forblogging i go here to niches i search for niches and go hereto questions and then i start opening questions andanswering them and linking back to medium article okay linking back tomedium so in this way you are promoting yourarticles on medium from quora answers this is very very important youcan get traffic from the first first daynow here i want to share with you an important tip inside quorawhen you want to filter questions go here to the past weekand try to answer the latest questions so your answers will be seen as yourfirst answers so you can get traffic fasterand easier from quora also when you filter questionswhen you open the question you will see related questionsit's almost the same question so they havealmost the same answer so in this case you are going to createanswer templates and it will make things a lot easier so every day you can answer10 to 15 questions in like 15 minutes on quora and you can get a lot of trafficfrom core you can see here in my stats in my account you can seehere i have around 443 000 views on quora and this month only22 000 views this is very important answer questions on quora now what aboutthe Quora  space what you are going to do and what i dois i create many articles or many paragraphsout of the main article here on medium so you can see here as an examplelet's say this article how to get 100 subscribers if you open you can see it'ssomehow a mini article if you go to my blog hereyou will find the same article but it's more in-depthi am promoting through the Quora space if you go herehow to get hundred thousand subscribers on youtube so this is the full articleand this is the mini article in the quora spaceso to sum up things you are going to createa or an article on medium promote it withquora questions create answer templates and answer the the latest questions byfiltering by the past week andcreate mini articles and post in the quora spaceand link back to medium in this way you can accelerate getting more trafficand more clicks to your affiliate link just one questiondon't use affiliate links in your quora answersyou will get you will be banned just use quora to drive traffic to your mainarticle and by the way if you have a blog youcan use your blog instead of medium and to get direct toget direct traffic to your blog it's up to you so i thinkthe idea is somehow now simple get the linkcreate quora space create medium blog answer questionslink things together get traffic and you will seea lot of clicks and few sign ups and a couple of hundreds of dollarsevery single month in your account so following thisstrategy every single day for two three hourswill definitely get a lot of clicks for youand few sign ups and this is how you can make moneyfrom this service so and after that you can go here to statsand you will see here the next payout you can see i havethe next payout is in 30 april this month i have 300 330 dollarsfor this month maybe you notice somethingmy bounty my earning per sign up is 100 dollars and not 65.so how i made this simply you can contact bluehostand tell them that you are going to promote the serviceand if they can help you and increase your bountyif you have some audience a website some traffic this will help you accelerateand increase the bounty for you and make it up to 100 dollars per signup instead of 65 dollars if you go back to the dashboard you seei got around 700 clicks and two sign ups what this meanssimply this means that you need to have somepatience please don't tell me i got 20 clickswithout sign ups you need to get at least 500clicks to 1000 clicks to start seeing sign ups and profit so please do somework do some hard work work every single dayand you'll be successful in two three or four weeks as a maximumyou can start seeing earnings in your dashboard now how toget paid inside bluehost as we saw you need apaypal account in the settings section hereif you have a paypal account it will be great just enter it hereyour paypal account and you can start don'tgive any excuse that you don't have a paypal account if youstarted working you got some payments you can find someone your friendssomeone online who will get the payment and they will send you maybe exchange itwith fire or whatever payment method you want in your country so don't makethis an excuse and don't and stop working just go start workingearn some money and you'll find a way to getyour payments please don't forget if you enjoyed this videolike it subscribe now and turn notifications to getevery new update and please don't forget if you have any questionsany questions go now h-educate.com/forums  and open your questions iwill be there almost every day to answer and help youin anything you want also you can join our telegram channel you'llfind the link in description below where i will be available after everyvideo for five six hours to answer the questionsdirectly inside our telegram group thank you forfollowing and see you later [Music]