This video, I show you how to get paid perclick which is a new strategy to make PayPal money online for absolutely free this year2021. How to do it? We’re about to find out. This is, how to get paid per click! Also, only a small percentage of people thatwatch my videos are actually subscribed. So if you end up getting value out of thisvideo, consider subscribing with notification on, it’s free and you can always changeyour mind later. In that way, I will notify you whenever Ihave a new and fresh strategy to make money online, so you can be one of the first touse it. Thus, of course make the most money. Enjoy it. Would you like to get paid for every singleclick? Well, not only is this strategy new, but it'sall absolutely free and worldwide available. So first, we have to check if you have what'snecessary to make this work. Number one, you’ll need a laptop or a computer,tablet, or a smartphone. Number two, you’ll need an internet connection. And number three, you need to know how toclick. If you have those three, great! You can make this work. Now right before I explain you how you cando this. Comment down below, I am from blank, a.k.a.your Country. In that way, I will know exactly where you'refrom. So in the future, I can make sure that everysingle video I release is meant for you. So drop your country’s name in the commentsdown below. And don't forget, I have a special bonus foryou at the end of this video where I will give you a free tool, which will set everythingon complete autopilot so you can earn from those clicks passively. So make sure to stick around and keep watchingall the way until the end. Now let's get started. First and foremost, let me show you that thisstrategy works worldwide. As you can see here, everyone can join! Anyone from anywhere can join this programand start earning money within minutes. And the best part is that you don’t haveto sell anything, this is not an affiliate program, this is not a link shortening service,and people don’t have to sign up for something. They don’t need to spend any money at all,they literally just need to click, nothing more and nothing less. So this is basically one of the easiest waysto start making money online on a complete autopilot. So it can be a passive income stream for you. Now here’s the concept, you and I with theother 3 billion people around the world have been using Google as our default or main browser. All this time we’re using Google to searchsomething on the internet and to surf the web. But for this strategy, instead of using Google,we will be using This website is also a free search enginejust like Google. But the main difference between Google is that the latter will actually pay you for each click. To be precise, it will actually pay you 20cents per click that you get or equivalent to $4 for 20 clicks. The reason why they’re paying you is becausesince Google is a massive competitor, and they want to attract more people to use theirsearch engine over Google, they're paying you 20 cents per each click because Googledoesn't. And obviously, since both of these searchengines are free, most people would rather opt in to use, because it willpay them 20 cents per click, which is pretty good, considering the fact that it's absolutelyfree. So you need to jump on this as soon as possible. And take advantage of the second website,which I'm about to show you in a minute. Now all you need to do is go over to Once you’re here, you have to click thismenu button at the top right corner, and that's going to give you all of these categorieslike Home, Services, Free Submission, SEO, Ad Market, Affiliate, Directory, Advertise,and so on and so forth. But you have to focus on only one categorythat's going to make you money. And that's affiliate, so just click it. And don't worry because you don’t have tosell anything as I said earlier. And you don’t have to make people buy anythingor pay for something. In fact, you're getting paid 20 cents perclick that you get. So you can get other people that are regularlyusing Google to start using instead. And if they use your link, you will make 20cents for each click that you get which is just amazing. As I said, there are over 3 billion peoplewho are using Google on a daily basis. So there's a massive, massive potential evenif you just refer 100 people to this website, that's still going to be a huge passive incomefor you. As you can see, you will get paid for everyclick, they will pay you for all clicks you generate, and you can earn up to 20 centsper visitor which is really cool. The best part is you have a high conversionrate because it's all absolutely free and really simple. They just need to surf the web using Entireweb.comas they normally do. Everyone can join, anyone from anywhere inthe world. And it's really easy to start. Within minutes from signing up, you'll beup and running, and have started to earn money from your traffic. You’ll see exactly how it works and howthe dashboard would look like and you’ll see exactly how you can withdraw your money. For now, let me show you another great thing. This is how you will be paid. You will be paid through PayPal. And the minimum payout value is $50 whichmay seem like a lot but actually you can easily earn $50 with this website and instantly cashedout and spend that money on whatever you like. So in continuation, once you come over tothis page, you need to click Create Account right here, so you can sign up for absolutelyfree. Now you need to fill out some details aboutyourself. You need to enter your first name and lastname, you will choose your own tracking ID like for example, you can type in some wordsor phrases that you like. Let's say for instance, my YouTube channelis TheProdigy, so my tracking ID will be TheProdigy. And then just enter your email address foryour account. Once you do that, you need to enter additionalinformation about yourself. After that just fill out their payout methodshowever you want to get paid. The best thing is that PayPal is not the onlypayment options they have. So for simplicity, just enter your PayPalemail address, and they will pay you as soon as you hit the payout threshold. Lastly, you need to read their terms and conditions. And that is it. Registration process should take no longerthan 60 seconds. Now you will start making money for each clickthat you generate. And once you login to your account, this iswhat your dashboard would look like. Here are all your campaigns. And when you click Home right here on theleft hand side, you can actually track your clicks and track the amount of money you havemade. As you can see, since this is a brand newaccount, it's obviously going to show zero clicks and $0. But once we start getting clicks, these willchange and we will start receiving money which we can then withdraw by clicking on My Profilebutton right here on the left hand side. And we can request a withdrawal as soon aswe have reached the payout threshold. So what you need to do in order to start receivingthose clicks is you first need to grab your affiliate link right here on top. This is your special link so you need to copythis because whenever someone goes to this link, you will get paid 20 cents per click. So you're just referring people to Entireweb.comwhere they can surf the web as they normally do with Google. And for each click, you're being paid, whichis really simple and easy. In continuation, once you copy your affiliatelink, you can then start sharing it with other people. So you can generate those clicks and startmaking money. Now, sure you can share your link on Facebook,Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and other social media platforms. Share it with your friends and family, that'sdefinitely going to get you some clicks. And that's definitely going to make you somemoney. But if you actually want to set this up incomplete autopilot, where you have a potential to reach millions of clicks, then you needto use this strategy, which I'm about to share with you. But real quick, if you guys are enjoying thisvideo in which I’ve put a lot of time and energy to actually do, I would really appreciateit if you guys tap the like button and make sure you subscribe with notification on. And if we get 2000 likes on this video, I’lldrop a brand new video next week to show you guys exactly how to make even more money onlinedoing basic stuff like this in the comfort of your home. So first of all, you need to open up GoogleDocs, and open up a blank document. Here you can write something briefly and createa call to action for your special link that takes people to the So just write something briefly. For example, I’ve typed in, better thanGoogle? Try this new and free search engine calledEntireWeb. And I've pasted my affiliate link right here. It's really important that you leave youraffiliate link so people can click on it. And I put something like this, try it in secondsand let me know if it's really better than Google or not. So put phrases like, it's new or it's absolutelyfree. In that way it's going to attract more peoplebecause they will know right away that they don't need to buy something, they don't needto spend any money. They can just try this out for free and ittakes them only seconds. So they will not have to wait for minutesor hours. They can do it quickly and see if it's betterthan Google or not. And now for each click that you get, you willget paid 20 cents over and over again. Obviously this is just one of the options. Of course you can come up with your own callto action and with your own article with your own script. And that might work even better. So once you're done writing your article,just click on the File button right here on top, and click download and then select PDFdocument so you can save it to your computer. And with that PDF document, you need to goover to this website which we will be using called According to SimilarWeb, isbeing visited regularly by over 140 million people from all over the world on a monthlybasis. So you have a potential to reach over 140million people with The best part is it's all absolutely freeto share whatever article you have. So you will be sharing your Google Docs articlethat includes your EntireWeb affiliate link. In that way you can get those clicks in completeautopilot. People that share articles on this websiteare getting millions of views. As you can see here, over 3.5 million views,over 1 million views, over 700,000 views, and so on and so forth. So all you need to do is sign up by clickingon the sign up button right here on top. Sign up process takes no longer than 60 seconds. Once you sign in, just click on the Uploadbutton right here. Next, click select files to upload, and selectyour PDF document, wait until it loads, and then give it a title. So for example, I will type in, this is betterthan Google and I will type in free. And then I will put a brief description below. Also in the description you can have youraffiliate link. In that way I have a higher chance of gettingmore clicks. Next, choose the category right here fromthe list and select the privacy to be public so everyone can see it. And then you can give it different tags. The more tags you put, the more people you’llattract. And after that, just click Publish. And that is it. Now you have a potential to reach over 140million people with this article. So they can see and try EntireWeb themselves. On the other hand, you will get paid 20 centsper click that you generate or equivalent to $4 for 20 clicks, or $20 for 100 clicks,or $200 for 1000 clicks which are entirely passive income that you can earn for absolutelyfree with this website. To make $1,000 you literally just need 5,000clicks, which are actually attainable since all they have to do is click on your linkand use the free search engine just like they normally do with Google. So take advantage of this strategy and startmaking money as soon as possible because in my opinion, this is one of the easiest waysto start making money and the best way to set up a passive income stream online. And that wraps it up. That is exactly how you get paid per click. And now if you want to earn even more money,check the first link in the video description below to discover how to get paid to watchvideos, which is a new strategy to earn free PayPal money for watching videos online, thisyear 2021, which anyone, even without previous experience can do. Yes, it’s possible and I’ll show you exactlyhow to do it in that video right there, check it out. Thank you so much for watching and be sureto drop a Like and Subscribe with Notification On so you don't miss out on any of the newcontents. As always, I will see you in some of the nextvideos.