Earn 7$ / Signup | The Easiest Way To Make Money Online [2021]

  Did you know that you can get a smallfine, the link you are to give it to someone and whenever he signsup, just sign up, just enter the e-mail, you can make zero point zero onedollars zero point two dollars five dollars or even seven dollars just by signingup. Yes, this is the easiest way to make money online. It's my opinion. It is the easiestway anyone can work from home and start making a couple of dollars everysingle day. This video may be really life changing for a lot of people,especially for beginners. You. Hi, everyone, I'm Hassan from h-educate and todayI'm so happy to publish this new video that I believe a lot of people willbenefit from before we start, I have two small, very important points. You have to knowNumber one here on YouTube, we have a lot of scammer's, a lot of spammer's in the commentssection below, you will find a lot of people that may be using my nameand my image to reply to your comments and maybe scam you so always and sure.To check and see the validation. Check mark beside my name when you want to talk to mein the comments section. And this happens not only on my channel, it's all overYouTube. So be careful not to be a scam, not to lose your money. Number  two  thisvideo is very, very important. I would share with you a lot of tips that willhelp you start working online, especially if you are a beginner and to helpyou more after publishing the video. After publishing each video on my YouTubechannel, I will be active live the Telegram Channel Telegram groupso we can chat together. If you have any questions, I will be there to helpyou live on Telegram, so make sure also to join my telegram channel and the descriptionbelow. So without wasting more time, let's start together and seethe easiest way to make money online. Working from home. Let's putthe eyeglasses and start. So what is the easiest way to make moneyonline? Simply in my opinion and my experience, it is affiliate marketing. Why?Simply because an affiliate marketing. We just share a link of a product that we don'town. We just to promote a product, a service for someone else. And whenever someonebuys the service, you will make money, you will earn a commission.It's simple. Today I will make things super simple, super easy. What if I tell you you canshow the link and whenever someone just signs up without buyinganything, just register and the website you will make money. Super simple. It's calledCBL marketing or cost per lead marketing. So you should alang someone will justsign up to use the name to use the service and you will make money. I believeit's the easiest, easiest way to start making money online. So how it works. Howto start. Let's see together before this, I want to remind you that we haveare running five hundred dollars cash give away. If you want to join you cancheck the link in the description below. So how to stop. We need to find servicesthat pays you believe that pays you per sign up. And today I will share with you the topfour services that provides this affiliate program that pays you persign up. Now, I know that everyone here loves to see numbers, love to see prove.And since you're on my channel, number one rule is honesty. Let's see firstmy earnings from these services to give you some motivation that this is realand not fake, like ninety percent of other YouTube videos and articles over the Internet.So let's see the first website, Helium in My Impact, a freenetwork dashboard. And these are my affiliate earnings for this month, of course,not only from CBl. I will go to report to a performance by Brand and I willselect the brand that pays you per lead here. I will select this one apply.And you can see now we have on the for this brand, for this service, I goteighty eight clicks to actions, which is only a sign up. I lead and I madefourteen orders. So seven dollars per lead. Per email. Per sign up. Really nice.Let's go the second dashboard. Sure. Assael I will go to reports, I will go to activitydetails and then I will filter for this merchant. I will filterresults and let's go down and you will see no zero point zero one zero point zeroone, a lot of zero point zero ones here. The transaction type is per sign up. So perlead for the service 0.01. Not too much what you can do it. It's very simple.It's only sign up. You can see how many signed up I got here. A lot. A lot.Many signs up. You can see transaction one to one hundred and one. I have a lotof sign signs up here through this service, you can do it also. Let's go to the thirddashboard, C.J. dot com commission junction and you can see here is my balance.I will go here and click on balance details. Again, thesenumbers are not all from CBL marketing. This is my affiliate marketing earnings in total.But I am sharing with you the part of the tiny small part that you canmake money out of signs up. So here we have these numbers. If I click on this,you will see I have one point six dollars. Transaction type is just a lead here.You can see single sale here is only a lead. So what are these services and howto start? Let's see together. Number one, we have sem rush dot com. Some rushis one of the top as all services over the Internet where you can join and startusing these tools and services to rank your website higher and get moretraffic, more organic traffic from Google and search engines. Anyway, if you godown here, you will see we have the affiliate program and more tool sectionaffiliate program. Click on this affiliate program and it will automatically take you to the Semrushaffiliate program on Assael. So if we go back here to our dashboard,should I say it the sem rush? So in Sem rush , she would earn zeropoint zero one dollars per lead just by making someone sign up to sem  rush throughyour link. So in this page, you will see it's powered by short sale. It willtell you you can earn two hundred dollars. If someone buys the service, you canearn ten dollars. If someone just activates a trial version without buying the service,just activating, you will earn ten dollars. And you can see here in my earningsyou can earn zero point zero one dollars if you just sign up withouteven activating a trial version. So this is the first service. Sem rush. You joinyou join here and sign up after that, after you enter your details and so on,you will get to this dashboard where you can go here to links and clickon get a link or a banner and simply here, select sem  Rush or here you canselect sem Rush. You can see I have multiple products I promote. I would click on some.And what's really awesome is here you can find a lot of banners, customlinks, videos that you can use to promote. So you have the content. Now, in my case,I got only the link you can see here. Just copy this. Get Ishmail codeand we have here the link. You just copy it and use it to promote or you cansimply copy this default link from here and start promoting it and getting signs up. I wouldtalk about promotion a little bit. Just follow up with me now. So this is the firstservice and there's sem Rush where they can use, should I say, a freenetwork to start promoting the second service is grammarly. grammarly.is oneof the top services that allows you to fix grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes,anything in English while you are writing. It's a perfect service for anyone, for everyoneworking online. So any only here, if you go also down here, you will seethe grammarly.affiliate program affiliate and the company section affiliates and you canjoin and become an affiliate grammarly. And what's nice, you can sign upinside the grammarly. It's an in-house affiliate program or sign up at S.J or AtureAssael. So if you already have ACG account, you can join through S.J. If you are alreadyhaving a sale account, you can join through a sale. It's upto you. You can see here the action, free registration, just registration,zero point two dollars. A premium plan passes twenty dollars so you can make zeropoint two dollars with a free registration. And you can see here in my saleaccount activity details, you will see I have a grammarly and the listis insurance sale and I have it. And if you go here to advertisers and simplysearch here for grammarly.. Surge, you can see I joined the grammarlyaffiliate program and to get the link, simply go here to get links and also you'llfind a list of banner ads, text as a lot of things to use in yourpromotional campaigns. And this is really awesome. You have the assets to startpromoting. You can see all these are banner ads to get a link, simply click on this,get called button and you will see this is the link you need to use to startpromoting affiliate products. By the way, by the way, I remember somethingreally very important. If you go to my YouTube channel now to YouTube, let's open my YouTubechannel if you're going to video section and let's go down. You will seehere I have a full video, 20 minutes video on how I do affiliate marketing my strategiesand how I promote what I do. Exactly. This video is really superimportant. You have to watch. You have to watch if you want to besuccessful. If you missed it, go now and watch it. Pause this video and watch it. It'ssuper important, especially for beginners. What I share with you, everything I do,you can clone my strategy strategies to start promoting affiliate products.Anyway, let's go back to our work and see the third service. The third serviceis constant content dotcom. This service is also one of the top and marketingservices all over the Internet. Now let's open a new tab. And if you go to thisthing, constant contact dotcom slash partners slash affiliate, let's openit. You will see this is the affiliate program in constant contact, referring to audiencedrive leads and sales leads and sales generate revenue. Let's go downhere. You will see that you earn five dollars for each referral. That signs up justa referral for a trial. So no need to buy something and you can make up to onehundred five dollars when this person buys a service. It's also a perfect programfor beginners. You can make five dollars per lead per sign up for trial. Sign upsuper easy. How to join. Simply go back here and click on Apply Now. Now,constant content affiliate program is managed by impact impact radius. So if we goback here to impact radius here, you will see. Let's go. Sorry to brands and if you gohere to brands and search for constants, you will see constant contact is insideimpact. You can join the through impact and I am already enrolled in thisprogram. Now, to be honest with you, I didn't start promoting it yet, but I am preparingto promote soon by creating some articles, some content about it and startpromoting it for now. If we go to reports by Brand, I don't think I have any clips or signsup. Let's see constant content. Let's say last month apply. Yes, you can seeonly nine clicks. Maybe it's a banner ad or something. So I don't have anythingto do now inside constant content. I don't start promoting it, but whenever I start,I am preparing a case study for constant contact. I have to earn five dollarsper sign up. I finish the case study. I will share with you everything and a fullvideo here on my YouTube channel. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel is freeClick the red button, subscribe to notifications to get everythingyou update. So constant contact is inside impact radius. What is the fourthservice? Which is the best one? I think it is Skillshare. Dot com Skillshareis also one of the best online marketplaces for courses for teaching online. If you godown again and you can see here down the company section, the affiliatesprogram open join for free, it's free to join. If you go down here, you willsee that you can earn up to seven dollars for each new customer that signs up for a premiummembership or free trial. So even if he doesn't buy the membership, justsign up for a free trial. You can make up to seven dollars as a commission. Justbuy a sign up, a free trial, sign up. This is also perfect. Also, Skillshare, if you joinnow, it is managed by impact radius so you can see it. Direct impact dotcom to join you for information and you join after that, you will see if you gohere to filter by Skillshare go. You see, here is my 88 clicks to actions to sign upsand I got fourteen dollars. I know it's not that big deal, not big numbers. You know,here on my channel I showed you real numbers, real experience,something honest. So not to waste your time and effort and something scamming or spamminganyway. So here is the so here is Skillshare number four in my listof the top services that pays per lead. So to sum up, we have sem rush.Let's go here. We have sem rush. We have a grammarly , we have constantcontact and we have Skillshare. All of those services pays You per lead just sign up or trail activation and you can make between 0.01 dollars and seven dollarsper sign up. I think it's really perfect. Now, one important question you will ask,OK, we signed up, we got the links, how we can promote and where to promote. Excuseme, I drink some. Walter. I'm somehow sick, so please excuse me about my voiceand so on, anyway, so if you go here to my YouTube channel and go here to playlists,you will see I have two main playlists that affiliate marketingcase studies and the affiliate marketing tutorials for beginners. In thosetwo playlists I shared with you real case studies on how to pick the product, howto get the link, and how to promote the free methods and paid methods. I showed you realcase studies. So it's very important if you want to understand how to startpromoting to watch these videos, they are really very important, veryimportant. You can see a full case study, you can clone and we can applythe same strategies to start promoting. And if you go here to this playlist,you will see I have this video about how to get traffic, how to get trafficto affiliate links. I shared with you all my methods also to get traffic. I knowa lot of you don't watch my old videos. I don't know why, but they are really,really very important. If you want to be successful online, if you want to promoteaffiliate links and get sales and get leads and much more. Anyway, in thisvideo and just two, three minutes, I will share with you what I do exactly how I promoteaffiliate products. Number one, if you open here, my website, you seeI have my blog. Well, I write articles. So the first method I use and you canuse is to write articles about a certain service. Now, if you open anyservices, let's open this thing as an example, free YouTube tools. You will see thatthis article is full of links, you can see this link, this link and all these linksor many of these links or affiliate links to the services. Now, you may ask me,do you do this manually? All these you just edit them and start addingaffiliate links? Of course not. If you go here to my dashboard, I mentioned thisbefore, but just for new followers here, for new people here, I use this plug and callthe pretty links. If you're going to print the links up on it, you will see thatif you let us click on any of these links, you have an option to automateadding links and the provision here. I said the keywords in this section and whenever thiskeyword is mentioned in any place in my website, it will automaticallyturn into an affiliate link. So we automate linking using Braitling on my websiteand you can see here in the sponsored section, I use also banner ads. So you can seeI am promoting Blue Horse with banner ads. This is the second strategy. If you gohere also to the forum section, again, I have a full forum where people canengage and ask and I engage almost every single day. And by the way, if you haveany questions, you can post them in the forum. I would be with you,follow up with you to help you. Also, we have banner ads here and here and here. WhatI can promote affiliate links also. I have here some deals, section, page. If you goto our recommendations, e-mail marketing services, you will see I promote heresome affiliate products and dedicated pages, deals like for Web hosting. These are allmy recommendations, all affiliate things in my e-mail, marketing services and so on.So this is on my Web site using banner ads and affiliate links and automatinglinking. Now, my second strategy is using my website, my second Web site, h-supertools.com. If you go if you go here, open any tool here, you willsee I have banner ads to promote affiliate links. Also, by the way, if you don'tknow a supporters, it is a free as CEO and digital marketing platform. A lotof free tools you can use to grow your business. Go and check it rightnow. And the last strategy is using paid advertising with quora ads, nativeads, Google ads and so on. I can explain right now. It will take a lot of time.Please go and watch my case studies. I explained almost all of these strategies in my videoshere on my channel, totally for free. Just go learn and startapplying. Don't forget, please I to my channel like the videoand instigations to get every new update telegrammed channel joined the give awayand see in the upcoming videos. 

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